About the Marshall Health Clinic

Founder – Dorothy Marshall

Dorothy Marshall, Founder

Recipient: Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal, Star of Asia, The Dag Hammarskjold medal. Dr. Roger’s nominee. 

A pioneer in the development of Canadian natural healthcare.

With founding roots from mid-1970, the Marshall Health Clinic, under the guidance of Dorothy Marshall, is a recognized leader in providing natural healthcare services. During the evolution spanning decades of providing care for its clients, it has integrated an approachable team of knowledgeable professionals, who are dedicated to their specialized natural healthcare discipline.

The clinic’s approach is to determine the root of the symptom and then to help rebalance the body through the symbiosis of beneficial natural therapies. Its philosophy is to help educate the client about their specific health issue and for the client to be a participant in their pathway to a ‘well-being’ body.

The clinic integrates Eastern and Western healing techniques, as appropriate and needed, to help the body re-establish its balance and return to harmony.

For the healthy person, the clinic offers a broad range of natural healthcare services to help you achieve and maintain ‘Optimal Health’.

In addition, The Marshall Health Clinic also offers a variety of complementary therapies for body circulation and performance enhancement, as well as, a series of Spa related services to add vitality to the skin and body.


“Everyday Health Issues, Maintenance and Preventive Care”

  • Body Skin Care/Revitalization
  • Chest Congestion and Ailments
  • Foot Care
  • Headache Relief
  • Immune Health
  • Inflammation Issues
  • Injury Recovery
  • Knee and Elbow Discomfort
  • Lumbar/Sacral Pain
  • Lymphatic Drainage
  • Muscle and Joint Ailments
  • Nutritional and Diet Management
  • Pain Relief
  • Physical Body Restoration
  • Sports Preparation and Repair
  • Stress Release
Marilyn Leroux, MHC Clinic Manager

Marilyn Leroux, MHC Clinic Manager